Lbsci720 Digital

Learning beyond classroom

Original images:


pink birdchicksbeeblue beegreen birdpink chickpink flowers


My Happy Spring e-card:

Our class will cover the following programs from Adobe Creative Cloud:


Create, code, and manage dynamic websites easily with a smart, simplified coding engine. Access code hints to quickly learn and edit HTML, CSS, and other web standards. Use visual aids to reduce errors and speed up site development.

Preview your sites and edits in real time to make sure your pages look and work the way you want before you publish.

~from Adobe Dreamweaver webpage


Create anything you can imagine. Anywhere you are. The world’s best imaging and design app is at the core of almost every creative project. Transform photos into flights of pure imagination.

With one-click selections, easy masking, and virtually unlimited layers, you can quickly create what your camera can't capture.

~from Adobe Photoshop webpage


Design interactive animations with cutting-edge drawing tools and publish them to multiple platforms.

Create interactive web and mobile content for games and ads using powerful illustrations and animation tools. Build game environments, design start screens, and integrate audio. Share your animations as augmented reality experiences. With Animate, you can do all your asset design and coding right inside the app.

~from Adobe Animate webpage